Monday, October 09, 2006

It's true!!

That I have a big crush on Jason Schwartzman! Especially since I found out that he loves! It’s true!

It's all true!!

That my sister looks like Laura Linney! Look for yourself! It’s true! It’s true!

Why would I say it if it weren't true?! Why!??!

That my kitty, Nala, is the sweetest fluffiest kitty in the whole world! Yes, she is! With her fat tummy and fluffy face! Yes, I do love her! She always pukes on my phone and sits on my books, but she's still my wittle fluffy one!! It's true! All of it!

It's so very true! Why don't you believe me??!! It's true! Lying is wrong and I won't do it!

That Swedish Fish are tasty and come in bigger bags for more tasty fun! Yep! You know what I'm gonna say! IT'S TRUE!!

So very true.


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