Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Even Rocky had a montage...

After months of waiting I found out my enrollment appointment date for school! Yay! This means I can work out my schedule and figure out what classes I want. I always loved this period right before classes start, where I can be optimistic and hopeful. I picture myself in a montage of studying, walking to class, engaging in intellectual debates with classmates, sitting at a computer writing a paper and getting that paper back with an A+. I imagine all I'll learn and how my mind will expand.

I never imagine how I'll procrastinate and end up staying up all night writing a ten page paper and drink so much coffee that I'll eventually start hallucinating that I’m being buried alive. Or how boring my teachers will be and how most of the information won't be that important or useful. Or how most of my classmates will be in their early twenties and would rather talk about Paris Hilton than Psychology.

That's the problem with getting older; it's much harder to delude yourself. Not impossible, but harder.


Blogger Steve G said...

"Not impossible, but harder."

That's what she said.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Debbye said...

You are so beautiful to me...

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as you send some of those early-twenty-something classmates my way, I don't care what you do.

Actually, I lie. I do care. Just not as much as I do about early-twenty-somethings...

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love "Team America: World Police" which is what the name of your post is from. Seriously sick & twisted movie . . . I own it, lol!

Glad to hear you've been accepted to college. More power to ya for going back!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Debbye said...

You're right, August! For some reason it's the song in my school montage. I loved that movie too.

Yep, I start school at the end of next month. It'll be nice to put my energy into something that will benefit me for a change.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, you will feel much better once you start focusing on school & aiming for your degree & career. Self improvement always makes a difference in one's psyche.

I went to see "Team America" in the theatre, I couldn't wait to see it. It was made by the two South Park guys Matt & Trey & I'd read that they were making it in SPIN magazine. I'm a HUGE South Park fan!

12:46 AM  

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