Saturday, March 19, 2005

Devil in the Apricot Dress...

So I ordered the bridesmaid dress today. I hate the thought of buying a dress and not trying it on first. It will be documented proof that I need to lose weight.

Also in wedding news, I found out that my friend Jason is engaged! I've known this guy for years and now he's getting married. A group of us used to hang out all the time when we were in our early twenties. It was the late ninties and we were all involved in fundie Christiainity at the same church. Then there was what I like to call the "Great Exodus", when we all, for different reasons, left the church and the born again life. Recently most of us, Kathy, Mike, Javiar, Jason and myself, have been hanging out again.
Its strange that we all got to know each other in one context, as young fundamental Christians, and now we're grown up (sort of) and way less conservative. These guys, whose only evidence of sexuality were brief glances at my sweater set covered breasts, are now calling me sexy and one actually touched them! Javie is married, Kathy lives with her boyfriend, Jason is engaged and Mike has tattoos. I feel the same but I know I must seem different to them too. I'm a college graduate, working a full time job, single (and dating) and planning to get my own apartment soon. When I was in the church all I wanted to do was marry the boy I loved and have babies. Now, I want a Sex in the City lifestyle rather than a Family First one. And I'm going to be thiry next year. Life is funny, you know?


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