Monday, September 12, 2005

Try to make ends meet...

In about ten minutes I find out if I still have a job or not. I have to meet with my supervisor and her supervisor which I'm not looking forward to at all. The thing is that I'm not sad about losing this job, it's more about not having any money coming in that freaks me out. I really can't stand this job, but it paid pretty well for what I had to do. Now there is a damn woman in the breakroom when I want to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Do you know how hard that is to do with someone else in the room? Self-pity is a solitary act.
Okay now I have five minutes. Shit. I am so fucked. I just want to get this humiliation over with as soon as possible. I just feel awful and my digestive system is going crazy. I feel like I'm going to puke.
My boss was so sweet and nice which really freaked me out. Give me the cold shoulder! I feel like I'm breaking up with someone I don't really love, but stay with for the fact that I have someone to sleep with every night. Okay, here I go. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck!g

10:29 AM  

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