Friday, May 01, 2009

Pregnant Women are Smug

My sister just had a kiddo and while I'm really happy to have my nephew I have to admit that pregnancy doesn't seem that special to me. I know that we need to continue the species and everything, but for me it's...meh. I think my life is pretty cool and getting even cooler as I travel down my current path, but I feel like nothing I do is ever gonna make my family as excited as they are now that my nephew is born. I get it though, he's great. He's our DNA moving forward. He's Brand New Person! We talk about him and smile. We buy him little clothes and shoes. We talk about his pooping habits. When we make him smile it's like a little piece of happiness that only belongs to us.

...But the whole cult of pregnancy is just creepy! Getting pregnant is not that special, really. Most women can do it. I think how I feel about it is neatly summed up in this video:

Love it! So funny.


Blogger Aaron C. Thomas said...

This is my new favorite song. I just keep listening to it over and over.


8:24 AM  

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