Three problems I have with zombie movies
1. How the zombie disease is spread ~ The common way of becoming a zombie is being bitten by a zombie. This would imply that zombism is a communicable condition. But anyone who is already dead or died by any other means than a blow the head can become re-animated as well. Wouldn’t that mean that it’s either a natural condition or maybe air-born? So what’s with the bite? As well as being unsanitary (those zombies do not look April-fresh) and gory the whole point of the biting is illogical in my opinion.
2. Go for the head! ~ To kill a zombie one must destroy the head and brain. So, one would imply that their source of life is in their brain. More proof is that they can also be drained of blood and severed heads can still function. So it would stand to reason that the zombies could just fall apart through constant use, lack of biological material to sustain a body and weather (I can’t imagine that humidity, snow and rain are good for a corpse, re-animated or not) ? Wouldn’t it be a better idea to lay low, wait for the inevitable decay and then go smoosh ‘em? Seems like a better plan than depending on the aim of the common man.
3. Cannibalism ~ The living dead like to eat the flesh living living. There is always a moment when the zombies happen upon some unfortunate person and just starts gobbling him up. At one point the person who is being eaten will expire and become a zombie. At that point aren’t the zombies just eating another zombie? As long at the brain is still intact anyone dead will come back to life. So why don’t the zombies just eat each other? Or just consume themselves? They really don’t need any other source of food. Isn’t an arm just as tasty on your undead neighbor as it is on those who aren’t zombies? I guess it could be representative of how man is consumed by the fear of death, but I can’t imagine zombies are given to such symbolic gestures.
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