'Tis the Season to buy me stuff...
Since it's almost Thanksgiving, it must be time for the First Annual 'What I Want For Christmas' Wish List!
Here it is:
1. The ability to leave my house without any fear of being harassed or harmed simply because I'm a woman.
2. Jon Stewart.
3. Marc Jacobs Ready-To-Wear and Marc Spring 2007 Collection. Okay, I'll settle for some perfume...
4. A Fancy New Camera.
5. An I-Pod.
6. An end to poverty. Or just an opportunity to hang with John Edwards. (He's so handsome!)
7. 'Moon Over the Freeway' by the Ditty Bops.
8. A few little books about knitting. (Big Ass Hint Alert: "Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook" by Debbie Stoller! "Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook" by Debbie Stoller!)
9. My innocence...
10. A French Bulldog puppy whom I will name Steve Buscemi.
11. A better vocabulary
12. The motivation to start sewing again.
13. Clinique Happy perfume, because it makes me smell happy.
14. A pair of Chuck Taylor's All Stars low tops in Charcoal. (Size 7 1/2.) What can I say, I'm hooked!
15. Sephora. Express. Banana Republic. All good.
16. A President and government I can respect.
17. A museum tour of Europe.
18. For this to not happen. X-mas came early!!
19. A niece or nephew.
20. A pony. (Thirty years in counting for this one...I will not give up the dream!)
John Edwards is the Alex P. Keaton of our generation.
I know! Isn't he the cutest?
So, what are you getting me?
I already gave you the House and the Senate. What more do you want?
Did you miss the part about the pony!? (I know you boys like it simple and spelled out for you.)
Fuck. Is there any place I can buy a pony online so I can put in the least possible amount of effort into it?
No, it'll be great! You can ride your bike and I'll ride my pony along side. We can solve crimes and save kittens from trees! I haven't figured it all out yet, but it'll be awesome!
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