Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Girl Can't Help It!

According to a new study it looks like most Americans have had pre-marital sex, despite our current administration's push towards abstinence until marriage as the norm. This study brings me back to my fundie Christian days in which I, as well as all my friends, made a vow to save myself until marriage. Little did I know, half of my friends were already knocking the boots while we few virgins were taking the vow seriously. To be fair most had already had sex before they became Christians and the average marriage age in the church was in the early twenties.

Later when I found out about all the nookie my Christian friends were having, while I saved myself for marriage I find I'm rather pissed off about the whole thing. I left the church and, at age twenty-three, eventually had sex with another disgruntled former X-ian who was also a virgin. The last seven years I've been systematically making up for lost times and I think at age thirty I'm caught up.

Now my situation was based on a standard that I agreed to uphold, but having abstinence only sex education as the policy for all children and teenagers seems pretty extreme and unfair based on current information. Especially with studies like this that show that pre-material sex is more of the norm. Promoting abstinence seems like grasping the cold dead hand of former ideals of sexuality. If it's dead, let's bury it and teach children how to take care of themselves.


Blogger Steve G said...

Alright, you convinced me. No more sex until marriage!!

Oh crap, I'm never gonna get laid now.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Debbye said...

Whatever! You'll just get drunk and forget your vows as quickly as you made them.

Or you could just get married...

2:08 PM  
Blogger Steve G said...

Marriage vs. Never getting laid again

That's one I'd have to think about for a while.

Both of them are kind of depressing to think about.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Debbye said...

Hey, there is another choice. Come live with me (and most of society) in the gray...

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooray for gray!!!!

i too am a recovering x-ian & had saved myself for marriage. i was raised baptist(as bad as any religions)and was such a good x-ian boy. because i had repressed my sexuality for so long & didn't experiment before marriage, once i started to be sexual w/my wife my attraction to men(which i thought might go away if i started having regular het sex)just intensified. that led me to finally divorcing so i could go my own way. christian thought is so messed up when it comes to sex as well as many other things.

the whole repression of natural, sexual feelings to be holy for 'god' is so unnatural. with our extreme focus on sexuality in the media it's not a wonder there's such a double standard going on in x-ianity.

religions are the worst thing man has created. i believe they do alot of good but at the same time they do as much damage if not more.

debbye, i really do enjoy your blog because you focus on issues & not just fun, fluffy stuff like other bloggers do. keep up the good work dear!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Debbye said...

Aww! Thank you, August!

Yeah, when I left the church I felt like I was having an out of the closet experience. I was finally free to express my sexuality which I did on a regular basis! Hi-hoo! The church is weird about sex, especially homosexuality and female sexuality.

Even when I was a christian I didn't understand what the big deal was about homosexuality. Murder and stealing, I got those being a problem; but what's the big deal about being gay? How is that sinful and hurtful of other people?

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are more than welcome dear!

the gay 'issue' in the church is more of a misinterpretation by those people who need a marginalized group to rag on to make themselves feel better. if you read the passages in the bible involving homosexuality it's really a matter of people distorting the meaning. when jesus condemned the temple prostitutes who were female & male he was really condemning the practice of selling one's body in the TEMPLE for MONEY. it really had very little to do with homosexuality or prostitution, just SELLING a service in the temple for monetary gain was the real point. modern translations of the bible have misinterpreted the original hebrew. it's amazing how many of the passages that x-ians quote to support their stance against gays that are so grossly distorted from the real meaning.

sounds like you had quite a heyday when you left the church! i think the churches weirdness about female sexuality has alot to do w/suppressing it due to it being celebrated & worshipped in ancient paganism. the female womb was a central tenant of celebrating the ability to create life which is a POWERFUL force & detracts from men's power. so they had to squash it & dominate it. i'm sure there are other factors involved as well but i don't want to keep rambling on here.

11:28 PM  

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