Monday, January 31, 2005

Oops I did it again...

A friend wrote about the Movie Team America: World Police in his blog so I commented on one of my favorite scenes where the Panama Canal flooded and killed all the puppet people. He wrote that that scene bummed him out because it reminded him of the tsunami. I saw the movie before the tsunami, but I should've realized the parallel between the images. It just didn't register to me. What struck me is how disconnected I have felt from that whole tragic event. I know logically that it is so awful and the loss of human life is overwhelming.
My emotional connection just isn't there.I guess I just don't want to connect to the tragedy. It's so unusual for me not to be empathic to such loss and heartbreak, but it's just not there. I don't know if it's too overwhelming, too distant, or just too much.
I guess part of me is disgusted with the media coverage of the whole event. They put shove camara's in devastated victim's faces and made it entertainment for the western world. "Look how sad it is!" we cry, " We must start helping these poor people! Let's get all of the clothes that are out of season and donate them! Let's get famous people to show how compassionate they are! Let's make this about us!!" Ugh, it's just so gross.
Look, I'm not saying these things aren't helpful and appreciated, but I believe these people need dignity as well as compassion. It would be nice to see people who respect human life over looking like " good" people. Maybe I'm just cynical about the whole thing.
And as harsh as this sounds, this was a natural event and there was nothing that could've stopped or prevented it. Yes there could've been more warning and lives could've been spared. But this is what happened, it's beyond my control. And as I like to say what others won't; it didn't happen to me and it is easy to forget. I hate that I can be that selfish and I have to fight the apathy. Maybe that's why I'm writing this post.
I want these people to be helped and given what they need. There are plenty of folks out there who are good at giving that loving touch. I find that my loving touch can turn into a scary buuldozer at times. I leave it to people who feel the connection to this event and there are plenty of people who do. I hope that people will give of themselves. I hope that my heart will soften for these people.


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