You and I Travel to the Beat of Different Drum...
I've been out with Sean for the third and final time.
I asked him to a come with me to the Hepcat show at the House of Blues and well it has never been clearer to me that that boy ain't for me. First, he kept making all these jokes about minorities. That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever! In this day and age it is so narrow, ignorant and telling of a person's character to put down another person based on something like race. There's a plethora of viable character flaws that one can use to mock another without resorting to race and culture. Ugh.
That being said he's not funny even when he's not making bad jokes about asians, blacks, mexicans, and all other minorities, he making bad jokes in general. That is another big huge pet peeve, not funny at all. If I'm giving a closed mouth smile with a snort-like giggle then I don't find you funny. If I start out with a loud hearty laugh that turns into a silent shake then I will sleep with you someday.
So I will see if I can find some smart, funny, musically inclined male who recites Sting songs to me and offers up tasty treats, to hang out with and have some fun.
Oh I knew you were right, but I guess I needed a little attention. I've had enough of that thank you.
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