Saturday, March 25, 2006

I want my MTV?

I have decided to cancel my cable television. It costs way too much money, takes too much time and I believe it's making me stupid. I used to be quite intelligent. Really. And, in my opinion, I was interesting. Now I'm a pop culture princess and rather boring. No hobbies or interests. This guy I met asked me what I do for fun and I didn't have an answer. I watch television? For fun?

My intelligence gave me a superior edge that I miss. I could have conversations about art, history and politics. Now I read Us Weekly and can quote South Park. When I'm not at work, I'm home watching television like most people in the US. I'm also overweight like most of the US.

Now, I don't want to blame TV for everything but it does keep me from doing the things I want to do like read, sew, draw, paint, study history and art, and exercise. I watch TV because it numbs me from the hardness of life. But what if it keeps me from feeling the joys of life? I want hobbies. I want to get to know who I am without the influence of modern media. I want to be able to write a paragraph and not have most of the sentences start with "I".

Plus I'm pretty poor and my dad is retiring next month which means less support. That means taking care of myself. I can't do that if I'm watching television.

But I'm going to wait until after the season finale of "The L Word" because I just love those wacky lesbians.


Blogger Parton Words said...

Great choice Deb.

You'll be better without it. My life is too busy for television and I think it's improved without those hours spent sitting in front of the box. Television is such an all encompassing medium. It wants all of you. It begs you to sit in front of it and stare endlessly for hours. At least the radio lets you do other stuff.

Down with television.....Up with life.

12:54 AM  

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