My Angel is a Centerfold...
I was reading this blog today and it reminded me of this rather embarrassing moment when I was buying some magazines of my own. Once while driving home from my sister's place in Santa Barbara I decided to stop at a Barnes and Noble to pick up some reading material. I picked up an issue of Bitch, one of those fun-filled feminist magazines, before I went to the book section. Since I was going to carry the magazine around for a while I decided to keep the title page pressed tightly against my chest as not to get dirty looks from parents who were not quite ready to explain curse words to their children.
Anyhow, after strolling around for a while with my Bitch magazine cover hidden I decided to head home. I was paying for my items when the clerk suddenly exclaimed, "Whoa!" I looked down to see what could've caused such a reaction from a multi-pierced sales clerk and saw an advertisement for "Toys in Babeland" featuring a woman hiking up a leather skirt and bringing a rabbit pearl vibrator to her "Cherry Ice Cream Smile" So in my attempts to prevent exposing children to the word "bitch" I inadvertently opened up a whole new can of worms by failing to look at the back of the magazine. Oops.
Really it was quite funny, but it goes to show the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
toys in babeland
You know there's a whole moral to this story that all of you boys seem to be missing...
you seem to have a thing against us chaps recently... whassup with that? I'm a nice guy. :P
Sorry to say this, but all boys seem to be rather disappointing lately. Nice or not.
then I should move to LA and rectify that situation, eh?
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