Drama in the Drama Department
I started out my college career as a theater major, but never really had the passion for it that I saw in many of my fellow schoolmates. I left with seven units to go with the idea that I'd come back and finish it up. That was almost five years ago. Now I'm back in school to get a BA in Psychology, but I plan on finishing my theater degree as well. It's turning out to be like getting a divorce from an unsupportive, indifferent person who expects me to jump through hoops cause he knows I'll do anything to get out. Sigh.
I'm a bit pissed off.
But I'm going to go with the flow and take it easy on myself. What is best for me? Should I stress out and try to convince my department head that I did work production hours even if I didn't get the credit for them? Nope. I'm not gonna try because he's just gonna tell me that he can't help me. Or won't help me. Whatever. I think the reason I've been putting this off for so long is because I knew that I would get absolutely no support from my department. It's one of the reasons I hated that place.
It's not the end of the world. I just have to prolong my involvement in that department for one more quarter. One good piece of news, I will finish my senior project this quarter!
So suck on that.