Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What the F*%k is Shin Chan?

This shit is weird. I love Adult Swim.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Blah, blah, blah...

I'm in a mood.

It's not a bad mood, rather I just don't want to be close or talking to anyone. It's very rare that I'm openly anti-social, being that most of time I deny or BS my way through it. But you know, whatever. I'll get over it soon enough. The trouble is that I have a weekend full of social engagements.

My toe hurts. I dropped a vaccum-sealed chicken breast on the second toe of my right foot when I was cleaning out my freezer. I can walk but it hurts like a mutha. I've tried not to be a drama queen about it, but damnit! I want to be prone with half-naked twentysomething boys catering to my every whim.

So, now I'm going back to my warm bed and nap. Because I have plans tonight. In LA. That means I have to drive to LA, to see Harry Connick, Jr.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Did you know that a butt model makes ten-thousand dollars a day?"

Alas, my lovely Gilmore Girls are gone...but not forgotten.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yummy Food Fusion

Today I cooked.

I made tofu curry with saffron and jasmine rice. And for dessert, Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes with Rich Chocolate Ganache Topping (Recipe from this book). All vegan.

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hott like me?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Caution! Mixed Metaphors Ahead!

Lately, I've been using my brain a whole lot. Not in an everyday type of way, like figuring out how much to tip or reading an interesting article in a feminist magazine. It's more like pushing my ideas out of my brain as if I'm giving birth to thought. It's hard, frustrating work and sometimes it's a small ugly baby.

I also liken it to training for a marathon, while being overweight and out of shape. Each day is more stressful than the one before and I'm doing my best not to kick myself for getting into this position in the first place. Believe me, positive thinking isn't one of my strongest traits.

I keep hitting a mental wall in regards to my critical thinking. When that happens I usually distract myself by obsessing about things I have no control over, like analysing the behavior of the people in my life or watching TV until I'm numb. I don't have the freedom or time to do that anymore, so I've been forced to chip away at that damn wall with little rock hammer that's damn near worn down to the nub.

And you know what?

It's working. I'm starting to break through. It's all coming back to me, writing a paragraph and having a point. Or coming up with a well-thought out argument. Or even getting an A on a quiz when I barely studied. I'm starting to believe I might actually be intelligent someday. It's been a while, if ever really, since I've thought that way.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fucking YouTube...

I tried to post these videos on Monday, so of course they show up on Thursday at 1 AM. Yes, I know I posted about Ms. Winehouse a few days ago, but these videos are fun, especially "F**k Me Pumps". And life is about having a good time, no?


I always wear Converse...

F**k me pumps - Amy Winehouse

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I couldn't sleep last night

Not only that, but my insomnia was accompanied by this feeling of dread. I kept waking up totally freaked out and overwhelmed with anxiety. Then, when I finally fell asleep, I had the strangest dream involving my Uncle Mark, grocery stores and satanism. It was disturbing, because my Uncle has been dead for about ten years and he creeped me out when he was alive. In the dream he kept showing up where ever I went and singing heavy metal songs in a low tone directly into my ear. Just thinking about it makes me shutter.

I went to sleep at 6 AM (yes that 6 AM), and woke up at 11 AM. I knew the dream was disconcerting, but I couldn't quite figure out why. After a trip to the bathroom, I finally realized that I had forgotten that my uncle was dead. Now I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen; like there's going to be a phone call with bad news or I'm forgetting a final exam. In fact, I keep thinking that all the events going on next weekend are happening this weekend. It's like May 7th through 13th doesn't even exist.

Now, I'm trying to relax by listening to soundtracks of french films from the 1960's and later I'm going to make some cupcakes. Tonight, I'm going out with the boy I'm dating and I hope nothing bad happens.

Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm not sure...

...if I like her or not, but she's interesting.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Amy Winehouse.

You try to tell him, but he doesn't want to see it. I relate, for reals.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Oh, my...

The boy I'm seeing invited me to a concert on May 18th.

This is cool because:
* he's thinking of me.
* he's making plans for the future.
* the invite was a text so I can look at it and think of how cute he is.

This is not cool because:
* the concert is: Harry Connick Jr.
* yes, I said Harry Connick Jr.
* because I like a boy I must now go to a Harry Connick Jr. concert.

Umm...I don't know what to say about this. Any comments?

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes...

Not all LA men are hipster jerks. Some have great shoes.

Very Awesome!! Warms my heart to see this.