I Want You to Want Me...
I have a date! For Saturday... This is the reply I gave him with some "pointers" I hope will prevent a bad date....
"Saturday sounds good...
I have a few thoughs before we go out...
1.The word "date" brings up thoughts of disappointment, awkard social conversation and inapproprate comments about my breasts. So we should come up with another verb. I say we go "gardening" and see what grows?
2. Mentioning my breasts (see above) is not something that turns me on. My train of thought is, pay attention to me and less to them and you might have a chance of seeing them.
3. Please have an activity planned so we don't spend half the night trying to figure something out. Don't worry about what I will think of your idea, the mere fact that you have come up with something makes me happy. I will come up with some ideas as well.
4. Please disagree if you disagree with me. Please don't say you like Neo-Classic art if you can't stand columns or togas! Feel free to have an opinion and I will respect you. (Few exceptions: racism, sexism, you know all the -isms might cause me to give you the look of death.)
5.At anytime these "rules" could change and you can follow them or not. I'm just giving you a few of the things that have annoyed me on past dates. I guess I want you to do well so I'm giving you a cheat sheet..."